Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bacon is an Evil Lover

Bacon is an evil lover,
For your comely crisp is just a cover,
To disguise your goal to try to smother
My life in a deathly squeeze.

I awake each morning in splendid bliss
To meet you with a greasy kiss.
My wistful mind can only wish
To dress you in some cheese.

You are so innocent, after all,
As you fatten my abdominal wall
And paint me with cholesterol
That clogs my arteries.

Such yearning o'er this porcine treat!
Such desire for this tasty meat!
Is nothing less than bittersweet
as I succumb to heart disease.

Honorable Mention in Impromptu Writing Contest

I received a distinguished mention under "These lines just cracked me up" in the recent writing contest hosted by Janet Reid, Literary Agent. The goal of the contest was to write a story with 100 words or less including the words: junk, dignity, gunbelt, hungover, punch.

Here is my "winning" story:

The Cowboy

"Excuse me," said the cowboy, "I gotta go powder my junk."

"Front or back?" asked the girl, sitting on the bed next to him.

"I don't need to answer that," he said, "I still have my dignity."

Ha, he thought, as if he still had his dignity like some hungover memory from a simpler time.

The gunbelt hung loosely at his hips as he stood up.

Too loose, she thought.

"I could punch a new hole in that thing for you," she said, "tighten you right up."

"One hole is enough," the cowboy said, "I gotta go."


I also took a stab at a poem - which I think is way better - but not a story:

It's jealous junk that gets you drunk in a restless reverie.
Breathe slow and deep, and try to keep that desperate dignity.
In a hungover haze of gunbelt grays, you strain and try see,
That hazardous hunch, that packs a punch, and just might set you free.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Particle Physics and Bowling Balls

While the world has been waiting for some significant research to come from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, a new discovery was recently made at the smaller, less-powerful Tevatron collider at the Fermilab in the US. The discovery may indicate a new subatomic particle or force never witnessed before. Or it could be a fluke.

According to Christopher Hill, a Theorist at Fermilab, "Nobody knows what this is." ( Hill is spot on, because honestly, no one can be sure if any of the experiments ever done in colliders is a truthful exploration of the nature of matter.

Accelerators are some of the most sophisticated scientific instruments humans have created. They are also some of the most violent.  The science is equivalent to trying to understand the nuances of the human mind by dropping a bowling ball on someone's head from the top of the Empire State Building and examining the bits of brain on the sidewalk to build a model of how the whole thing works. A brutal image, for sure, but why do we not consider that a true understanding in particle physics comes from a holistic context.

All we can say is that the collision of particles at very high energies (speed) – such as the smashing of two protons – will result in an explosion of smaller particles and forces with very odd behaviors. These smaller particles – like quarks – are almost never seen under natural conditions. And following collisions, the life spans of these particles are very short as they quickly collapse into one another to be annihilated or recombined into larger particles.

We can take solace in the science of the great accelerators and the resulting standard model of particle physics, despite its inability to explain important concepts like gravity and wave-particle duality. Or we can ask better questions, like what is the song that guides the secret delicate dance of energy that creates the reality we experience as matter. To discern this, we must understand how everything is connected in its natural state. If we can do that, we may understand a little more about who we are.