Saturday, November 10, 2012

Getting some perspective on American Politics

I was really hoping after the election, there would be a respite from the incessant arguments about which man was most qualified to lead our country. But, apparently, there is no rest for the weary. The vindictive rhetoric continues.

We are clearly suffering from a collective cognitive dissonance in America that will eventually destroy us or make us absolutely insane. Business is important for a stable economy - but we must find a way to support that without raping all our resources - including the quality of life for people around the world. And we must find a way to support those who are less fortunate, since very few of us are willing to get our hands dirty and do it ourselves.

But I do believe we are on the cusp of some major changes as more and more people are fed up with the status quo. The Occupy Movement, while poorly organized and without a clear goal, was a foreshadowing of the potential for people to rise up and make something better. I predict some major moves in this area over the next year.

At the core, the problem is in a hierarchical leadership model. Our society has become too complex, too technical, and too diverse for one person to hold all of these issues in mind, make sense out of them, and provide leadership in a way that will make everyone happy.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people in this country who are devoting their lives to the resolution of very specific problems. Their solutions are ingenious and inspired. They are finding ways to improve education, diminish poverty, protect our planet, make us healthier and remind us that there is joy everywhere if you simply look around and pay attention.

These are the people I want to get behind. I hope you will, too.

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