Monday, November 12, 2012

The REAL Energy Crisis

We are being told that we are facing an energy crisis because we may run out of oil soon. The REAL CRISIS is that we are extracting and burning all the carbon that we can get our hands on. The earth took eons to filter poisonous carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and store the carbon into the ground to make an environment suitable for life. In a single human lifetime, we have nearly undone this balance - despite the continual warnings from so many. We have extracted nearly all the carbon out of the earth and have burned it up. Oh - and the cherry on top of the crisis - we have cut down the vast majority of forests that are our only chance for repairing the damage we have done. 

Demand alternative energy - NOW! 

The only viable options are those that do not continue to require the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Biofuels are carbon-based and therefore not a solution. Biofuels are simply a way for agri-corps to get on the carbon-addiction band wagon. 

Demand energy direct from the sun, wind and water. These are free resources and are available to all. You can build devices yourself to harness this energy. If you combine efforts with others in your community, you can do spectacular things in this area. 

Become a catalyst for sensible change. 

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